Ushers Group
A church usher is a person who helps ensure smooth running of church service and who ministers to people in a variety of practical ways. The specific responsibilities of an usher vary with the church liturgical calendar and before the church service begins, their responsibilities often entail:
- Check the thermostat, assist and answer visitors’ questions, and extend extra help in seating those who need the assistance.
- During the church service, the ushers are responsible to take up the church offering and make sure it is put in the proper place
- Ushers stand ready to assist anyone in the congregation who might need help, to aid latecomers in finding a seat, and to inform those in the sanctuary of any urgent matters, traffic and crowd control required during important church events.
- Church ushers are well versed in emergency procedures and in case of any emergency, the ushers will take the lead in getting people to safety in an orderly manner.
- Ushers provide an invaluable service to the local church body. In many ways, the ushers are the “face” of the church, the first ones that people see when they arrive and the last ones they see as they leave.
It is important that an usher be friendly, honest, and willing to serve. It is an honourable position in the church, requiring integrity, cordiality, and wisdom.
The heart of an usher is the heart of a servant, and he does his work for his Lord Jesus (Colossians 3:24). A church usher has a true love for the people of the church and a desire to promote an atmosphere of reverence and worship in the house of God. An usher’s theme verse could very well be Psalm 84:10, “I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked.”
Parish Fete Team
Our Lady’s Parish fete is a major fundraiser event and it involves the whole parish. It is also a great opportunity to bring our diverse parish community of all ages to come together for some fun, enjoyment, hot food, live music and entertainment. The Parish raffle has been very popular over the years, as we have plenty of sponsored major gifts.
The International food stall is a chief crowd winner, as parishioner of diverse cultures and nationalities, cook their favourite cuisine and donate food to be sold at the stalls. Other attractions being; coffee truck, doughnuts, hotdogs, hot chips, fairy floss, barbecue, Devonshire tea, fresh fruit & veggies, trash and treasure, show bags, face painting, plant sale and variety of other private stalls. This is a great opportunity for local people to join in the fiesta, and generate fellowship and sustain our vibrant community.
The Fete Team relies on volunteers support towards this gigantic effort which involves hard work through the whole weekend for setting up, managing stalls, clean-up and pack up. The proceeds of the Fete assist Our Parish in various Church projects.
Social Committee
Members of the committee get together to organize social events for the parish community such as our Parish Feast Day lunch, and Christmas community event.
Special Occasion Group
A dedicated group of parishioners in this ministry prepares morning tea for parishioners as required, after specific events and/or after special feasts masses. Also, on special occasions, such as after Christmas Eve mass, cake/wine is served and Easter eggs given after Easter Vigil services and all this is made possible through generous sponsors/donors.
Men’s & Women’s Group
The social committee organises the annual Men’s and Women’s group meet separately before Christmas. Each group members attend in large numbers, at a restaurant of their choice and every year the Women’s group try to outnumber the Men in the numbers that attend and this is another way that the Parish gets together in fellowship and fun.
Good Friday Kolbe Setup Group
Volunteers and a committed team come together to set-up & pack-up the Hall to meet the required reverence and accommodate a large gathering of our parishioners for the Good Friday celebration and Confirmation of Children.
General Volunteers
If you are hardworking, committed, ready and willing to offer your gifts to the Lord, then we welcome you to volunteer your time and talent to any of our ministries/groups. Please contact our parish office to enrol