This ministry plays the important role of preparing the church for mass and assisting the priest during mass. Committed Men and Women who volunteer for this ministry work behind the scenes. The Sacristan in particular, prepares the church for mass and the celebration of the Eucharist throughout the week. This includes;
ensuring the altar is dressed
the liturgical vessels, hosts and wine are ready
the Sacramentary and the Lectionary are in place
any other items required for that particular Mass are ready.
conduct the collections taken up at weekend masses
usher the assembly when required.
support the parish priest in preparing for school masses, and
support the parish priest in preparing for funerals at the parish.
Altar Servers:
The altar servers’ primary role is to assist the priest in the celebration of the liturgy during Mass, including carrying the processional candle(s), holding the book for the priest celebrant when he is not at the altar, and assisting the priest when he receives the gifts from the people. At the conclusion of the liturgy, the altar servers process out of the church with the Priest.
Junior altar servers serve alongside adult altar servers at weekend masses. Children, both boys and girls, who have received their First Holy Communion, are welcome to participate in this Ministry. They will undergo a training session conducted by the Parish Priest and/or Sacristan, as well as mentoring by adult altar servers. At the conclusion of the liturgy, the altar servers process out of the church with the Priest.
Participation in the Ministry of Junior Altar Servers is a wonderful avenue of fostering the spiritual growth of young children and teenagers.
Liturgy Committee
The Liturgy Committee assists the Parish Priest in enriching the liturgy for the parish community. These include preparing special liturgies and the church environment for selected liturgical events and feasts. Roster for parishioners taking on the roles of commentators, readers, data operators and communion ministers at mass are prepared.
The readers or lectors play an important role in the Liturgy of the Word as they proclaim and share the Word of God with the people gathered. They impart the spirit of the Word in a reflective way as they read the first and second readings and lead us in our petitions during Mass. Commentators are responsible for introductory welcome. Please contact the parish office to join the ministry.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion assist the Priest to prepare and distribute the bread and wine to the people during the Liturgy of the Eucharist. This involves bringing the hosts from the tabernacle to the altar after the Lamb of God is sung or spoken. They stand at the altar with the Priest, pray with the assembly and reverently distribute the bread or wine to the people. The extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, who are usually adults, have special instruction before they perform this ministry. They also take the Eucharist to believers who are unable to attend Mass due to illness or disability.
Music Ministry
The Music Ministry provides liturgical music for the enhancement of the Eucharistic celebrations through the various parish choirs. The Parish choirs combine for special feast celebrations and orchestrate a collective rendition in praise and worship. Our parish is very blessed with many musically gifted people and each choir has very dedicated singers and musicians who share their time and talent to sing and play liturgical music. The success of our Music Ministry goes to our Music Coordinator Sr. Rochelle Lamb, who leads our Music Ministry.
Children’s Liturgy
The Children’s Liturgy Ministry seeks to bring the Word of God to children, in a relaxed environment, and at a level where they can relate to God’s teaching to their daily lives. Children’s Liturgy is conducted in conjunction with the weekend Masses. After a blessing by the Priest, volunteer liturgical leaders lead the children to the sacristy/Meeting Room, to listen to the day’s Gospel reading. The leaders explain the reading and engage the children in discussion on how it links to their daily lives.
Gift Bearers
The gift bearers bring up the gifts of bread and wine during the Preparation of the Gifts at Mass on our behalf. At the sanctuary, the Priest receives the gifts and then places them on the altar.
The collectors move among the people gathered, to collect money for the Church and for those in need. The collection is placed at the altar and after Mass, the collector in charge places the bags in the safe.
Money Counters & Banking Group: Members of this Ministry count collections from masses and bank it on a rostered basis.
Legion of Mary
The Rosary Group meets weekly to pray the Rosary and Catina. They are also rostered to volunteer their time to visit various homes for the aged, to parishioners who are housebound, sick and need their prayer and comfort and the terminally ill in hospitals. The group also leads the procession at the Parish Feast. “Through the Rosary the faithful receive abundant grace, as though from the very hands of The Mother of the Redeemer.” St. John Paul II.
Eucharistic Chapel Adoration
The Adoration Chapel is available for those who would like to spend time in prayer with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Come and see what a blessing it is to visit with your Lord and Saviour for an hour each week in our private chapel. Remember Christ’s words to the apostles at Gethsemane, “Could you not keep watch with me for one hour?”
Stations of the Cross
This group organises the weekly Lenten Stations of the Cross on Fridays and the outdoor Ecumenical Stations of the cross walk, held on Good Friday followed by sponsored hot cross buns, tea/coffee distributed to all who attend.
Florist & Church Decoration & Design Group
The Flower Ministry is carried out by our florist and enthusiastic group of volunteers who seek to serve and glorify God by creating skilful and graceful flower arrangements to enhance worship. The florist collaborates with the sacristan to ensure that the sanctuary has appropriate floral decorations in accordance with the liturgical season, feast or solemnity.
Youth Group
It is important for youth of our Parish to engage with the Parish community, because parishes "are the place where God's people meet Jesus in word and sacrament" in a concrete way.
Our Parish believes that ‘Youth-friendly’ parishes should do three things to foster adolescent spiritual growth:
parishes should allow youth to serve the parish along with adults. When adolescents feel welcomed into the parish community as full-fledged members, they are more likely to identify as a community member.
parishes must allow youthful energy and vision in parish activities. Young people have a great deal to offer parish ministry, and when they can express their faith through meaningful roles, they develop a spirit of commitment to the parish community.
Finally, if parishes truly desire to become "youth-friendly", it is crucial to value adolescents. This means listening to them and responding to their needs, as well as providing them with facilities to enable their growth as disciples. If the parish wants youth to commit to parish life, the parish must commit to the development of the youth.
The Youth Group ‘Cor-Redemptoris’ of our parish was formed when our young adults and junior group of teenagers participated in the World Youth Day – Sydney 2008. The group’s moto was ‘Young Catholics in Action’, and this was reflected in the enthusiasm of their young members and leaders and the various events they undertook. However, in 2015 this group disbanded, because they failed to attract youth to the group.
In 2019, twenty young teenagers participated in the ‘The Australian Catholic Youth Festival’, in Perth. On returning, they had a life –changing experience where the group experienced faith, joy and friendship of the Young Church in Australia, when a new youth group was initiated.
The new youth group – ‘Our Lady’s Parish Craigieburn – Youth’ kick started in March 2020 and participated in three successful events. The aim of this new group was to gather young people from ages 16-25 years and empower them to live as disciples of Jesus Christ, and to invite them to responsible participation in the Life, Mission and work of the Church, both within and beyond their local community. However, due to Covid-19, parish activities had come to a standstill and the youth could not re-group.
Our Lady’s Parish is committed to bring the youth of our parish together, through spiritual formation and connecting with the community through; Sharing, Building Relationships, Education, Community and Call to Leadership. The aim and goal being;
To empower young people to live as disciples of Jesus Christ in our world today.
Ministry with adolescents helps young people learn what it means to follow Jesus Christ and to live as his disciples today, empowering them to serve others and to work toward a world built on the visions and values of our faith.
To draw young people to responsible participation in the life, mission, and work of the Catholic faith community. Ministry with adolescents recognizes the importance of each of the faith communities (family, parish, Catholic school, youth serving organization) in helping young people grow in faith as they experience life in community and actively participate in the mission of Jesus Christ and his Church.
To foster the total personal and spiritual growth of each young person.
Ministry with adolescents fosters positive youth development and growth in both Christian discipleship and Catholic character. Endorsing the growth of young and older adolescents means addressing their unique developmental, social, and religious needs and nurturing the qualities and assets necessary for positive development.
Charismatic Group
The Charismatic Prayer Group meets every Wednesday after 7pm mass at Good Samaritan Chapel. The meetings are open to anyone interested and offer a spiritual renewal in prayer and support for one another. It provides an opportunity for healing in prayer, a time to listen to stories, a time for praise and worship through spiritual songs and intercessory prayer for the needy. The group yearns to search for a deeper and more personal knowledge of God and pray for anyone who seeks their prayer and be able to experience God’s presence. The group also meets monthly for a combined charismatic and healing mass and organises quarterly barbecues for the parish. Furthermore, group also visits people in need and assist and guide new migrants settle. New members to the group are always welcome.
Divine Mercy Group
This group meets and conducts the Divine Mercy novenas daily for nine days and celebrates the Feast of the Diving Mercy followed by barbecue to all parishioners who attend the service
Good Samaritan Chapel Setup
The chapel is set-up twice a week before and after mass by dedicated volunteers and see that the place is in order.